Searching The Scriptures: Genesis

by Arthur Bailey

Malachi – The Introduction
In this Introduction to the writings of Malachi, we will discuss: The Person who wrote it The Period or Date it was written The People it was written to The Purpose for which it was written Malachi addresses some key factors in the lives of the exiles who had returned to their homeland, Israel. 
Yehovah Loves His People – Malachi Chapter 1 Pt. 1
The priesthood had become corrupt and the priests did not hold the people accountable and caused the people to stumble by the things they were doing and teaching.
Rebellion Causes Curses – Malachi Chapter 1 Pt. 2
YeHoVaH desires to bless His people and gave us Laws to secure our blessings. Rebellion is what causes the curse to come upon the people of YeHoVaH when they rebel against His Commandments.
Your Blessings Are Cursed – Malachi Chapter 2 Pt. 1
Malachi harshly reprimanded the Priests for departing out of the way of the Almighty and causing many to stumble at the Law. The Priests, as the earthly representatives of YeHoVaH, were responsible for teaching the people. The Priests became corrupt because they would not Shema – Hear and Obey.
Offerings and Tears Rejected Because… – Malachi Chapter 2 Pt. 2
In this passage, Malachi is addressing the issues the Priests and people were guilty of and why their offerings and tearful, wailing prayers were rejected. They are presenting blind, cripple, and lame animals to the Almighty and wondering why He is not responding. Malachi is saying that they are profaning the Covenant of YeHoVaH.
Judgement Day is Coming – Malachi Chapter 3 Pt. 1
In this passage we’re going to look at “Judgement Day is Coming” from Malachi’s perspective. Malachi, the servant, is responding to questions that are in the heart of individuals that Father revealed to Malachi or conversations that the people had amongst themselves. The Bible lets us know that Father not only knows our thoughts, but He knows the intent of the heart. There is nothing you can think that Father doesn’t know you are thinking.
Destroying The Curses – Malachi Chapter 3 Pt. 2
We’re going to be talking about “Destroying the Curses”. Wherever there is disobedience to what Father has commanded, there’s opportunity for curses to be operational. In this teaching, we are going to discuss how to overcome, and destroy any curse that maybe operating in us. Oftentimes they can be operational without our knowing.
The Book of Remembrance – Malachi Chapter 3 Pt. 3
YeHoVaH is mindful of us. Whether we think about Him all day or in certain parts of the day, He’s always thinking about us. Based on what the Almighty has said in His word, there are ministering angels that are assigned to His people. We also know that there are demonic forces that are operating in the lives of individuals that are not submitted to the will of the Almighty.
Remember YeHoVaH’s Law… – Malachi Chapter 4
The closing Chapter of Malachi speaks of future judgement to come and what was to come in the not too distant future of Israel. There were massive wars taking place from the time of Malachi to the time of Messiah. There are times when we’re projecting what the Prophets are saying to future events for us. Even though it was a future event to the Prophet, to us it could very well be a past event.

Last Updated on May 1, 2023 by

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