Arthur took us to school when he showed us that ideas from prior doctrinal and denominational systems were still lying dormant in our minds! We have to assess ourselves and immerse ourselves in the Word to purge out the old leaven of false teachings. Like Israel, who was Father’s New Creation, we must become a new Creation through the renewing of our minds.
The church can’t be holy when they reject the Holy Law of the Holy One. So much of what was learned there has to be purged. The purging will feel uncomfortable when we let the past go. However, we must remember that Father is not doing this to hurt us, but He is doing it to save us. We have to allow Father, through His Word, to renew our minds. Arthur, reassured us that each purging brings a greater sense of freedom.
People who are blinded by the world
do not see the sins of the world in the same light as
People whose eyes have been opened.
- Arthur Bailey
Here are some of the points that Arthur emphasized during the Teaching.
- Several passages in the Scriptures, due to translation or other errors, referred to Passover occurring after the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The confusion of days is found in Prophet Ezekiel’s writing and several of the Gospel narratives.
- Passover in the New Testament is confused and woven into seven days and difficult for the New Testament person to separate the event of Passover and the 7 days of Unleavened Bread if they are unfamiliar with the Torah.
- Passover actually occurs on the evening of the 14th day of the month of the Abib. The Feast of Unleavened Bread starts immediately following the Passover meal at sunset on the 14th day going into the 15th day.
- The bread eaten by Yeshua and His disciples at the Last Supper was leavened bread. The Last Supper WAS NOT the Passover meal.
- In Acts, the confusion widens where Passover was changed to Easter and reveals the influence of the Latin Roman Catholic Church. The term Easter was substituted in the Scriptures for Pesach/Passover.
- YeHoVaH established Passover; that is what the Creator of all things wanted. Easter and its pagan traditions are not a part of Passover. How would an egg laying bunny fit in with the deliverance of the Almighty’s firstborn from Egypt and the redemptive work done by Messiah?
Therefore if any man be in Messiah,
he is a new creature:
old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17
Reflections on the Teaching
Again, the testimonies of the Saints were uplifting and powerful accounts of the working of Father in their lives.
Here are a few of the types of testimonies shared.
- The rewards of obedience to YeHoVaH
- The correction of YeHoVaH
- The blessings of being a part of the congregation
- The growth in understanding as a result of the Discipleship Program
- Understanding the practical aspects of the Kingdom of Heaven
- Purging the belief that serving the church was seeking the righteousness of YeHoVaH
- Hearing the voice of YeHoVaH
- Responses of family and friends to the Teaching and Testimonies
- Diagnosis of being cancer free
- Healings that bewildered the medical profession
- Economic benefits of giving Tithes and Offerings
- Overcoming addictions, hard childhood, and fears
- The power of words
- Confidence in sharing the word of YeHoVaH
- Hospitality shared with the Saints
- Prosperity during the pandemic
- Debt reduction and cancellation
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Please listen to the Teaching and Testimonies. You will be blessed!
Last Updated on April 13, 2022 by