The Christ, the Church and the Cross Matthew 16:13-28
Terminology evokes images in the minds of people that affect people consciously and subconsciously in how they see themselves and in their approach to the entity they call God.
Terminology evokes images in the minds of people that affect people consciously and subconsciously in how they see themselves and in their approach to the entity they call God.
The story of Jonah is well documented in Scripture in a Book bearing his name. The Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, and all the people of Yeshua’s day would have been familiar with the prophet Jonah and his exploits.
Yeshua’s ministry was a continual ministry of Faith, Healing and Miraculous Works. Calling His disciples to follow Him gave them the opportunity to live with Yeshua day in and day out…
Knowledge of being able to distinguish between clean and unclean animals was revealed to mankind before the days of Noah. The Commandments of YeHoVaH given to Moses to give to the Hebrew Israelites, and those that join themselves to YeHoVaH’s people,..
When the news of the beheading of John the Baptist at Herod’s birthday party reached Yeshua, He went into the wilderness to get away.
Birthdays are rarely celebrated in Scripture. There are two birthday celebrations recorded in Scripture. In this study, we will look at the events surrounding the only birthday celebration recorded in the New Testament.
In the teaching last week, Mysteries of the Kingdom: Sowers and Reapers, Yeshua interpreted the parable of the tares upon the request of His disciples.
Mysteries or secrets of the Kingdom were revealed to Yeshua’s disciples, but were hidden from satan and the masses who did not have ears to hear the teachings Yeshua presented.
The religious leaders of Israel resisted and fought the ministry of Yeshua and His message of repentance. Yeshua’s family was concerned about His mental condition as was discovered in the previous lesson.
Repentance is required to receive the message of the Kingdom and to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. John the Baptist preached repentance for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, Yeshua taught His disciples and sent them out to proclaim this message.
Fellowship Time:
Sabbath Service @ 11AM
Thursday Service @ 7PM
Friday Night Sabbath Premiere @ 8 PM
Copyright 2021 by Arthur Bailey Ministies